Published Nov 14, 2018

4 Ways Rently Is Leading In Proptech

single family home at dusk with the interior lights on


Real estate showings are pretty predictable. It starts with a potential tenant scouring the internet for days and weeks to find that must-have property in the perfect neighborhood. They pick up the phone and call the property manager to schedule an appointment, but the manager is out showing other properties and has to call them back. When they’re finally connected, a showing is scheduled hours, if not days, from the initial contact.

It’s the day of the showing. The property manager opens the door and walks the potential tenant through the property —often pointing out the obvious: bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, etc.— and then locks the place back up.

We can do better!

Leading the Real Estate Showing Service Category

At Rently, we believe there are many ways to improve the traditional real estate showing experience —for both property managers and tenants alike. Here are just a few ways that we’re working to change the game to become the leading real estate showing service.

We’re Helping Property Managers Convert Leads

Property managers are busy people! From handling tenant and building issues to marketing and leasing new listings, no two days are ever the same. When potential tenants call about a property, they’re typically looking for two things: 1) more information on the property and 2) to schedule an appointment. But dropping everything to drive across town and show a property isn’t always an option.

With Rently, property managers are able to convert more of these phone calls into showings, because potential renters can view the property in person —without the property manager present. More cold leads can be turned into warm showings, simply because of convenience!

We’re Helping Potential Tenants Find Homes Faster

With Rently, potential tenants no longer have to wait days to see a property they’re interested in. They can easily search self-service showing properties directly on, and then view those properties on their own time. This allows renters to make faster decisions. In some cities, where the rental markets are competitive, this can be the difference between finding the right place and missing out.

We’re Helping Property Managers Stay Connected

With all the tasks and duties on a property manager’s plate, even answering the phone can be difficult. In the event that a manager is unable to pick up the phone or schedule a showing immediately, the potential tenant will be guided through an automated self-service showing.

What’s more, Rently Call Center and Rently Scheduling, our add-on services, are available to answer incoming calls and can answer questions about the property and policies to provide potential tenants with a seamless experience. For property managers, this means never missing the opportunity to convert a lead into an appointment.

We’re Helping Fill Rentals Faster

Finding a new place to live shouldn’t be an uphill battle, and streamlining the process via Rently’s real estate showing service means everyone —property managers, owners and tenants— are saving valuable time. We’re helping to cut days out of the leasing cycle by minimizing the amount of time between the initial contact and the showing, and that makes it easier for tenants to make a decision quickly.

Potential tenants can see the property quickly. Property managers can handle more lead and property volume. Decisions can be made faster. Owners get their rentals filled quickly. It’s a win-win all around.

Learn More About Real Estate Showing Services

Are you a property manager looking to streamline the leasing cycle? We encourage you to learn more about how Rently works. Real estate showing services are the transforming the way property managers run their business, and it would be our pleasure to help you get started.Connect with us today to learn more!

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