Published Nov 28, 2018

4 Ways Rently Makes Self Tour Homes for Rent Safe

Rently makes self tour homes for rent safe

Safety is the name of the game for Rently.


Rently makes self tour homes for rent safe. As a real estate property manager, you put yourself at risk every day. Think about it: from meeting new clients to showing properties, letting strangers in your car to marketing yourself online, the day-to-day tasks of real estate open property managers up to a wealth of situations that could jeopardize their personal safety. Scary, right?

Enter Rently, the industry’s premier real estate showing services. The Rently system enables property managers to allow self service showings® of their vacant properties to verified potential tenants. Here are just a few of the ways that Rently’s real estate showing service ensures property manager safety:

You’re Only Letting Verified Renters Inside

Rently’s real estate showing service was created with improved security in mind. With Rently, renters must register online with a valid credit card and are only given one-time access when they are at the property. This not only helps weed out lookie-loos or those simply looking to case the property for a future break-in but helps to ensure that the renter is actually serious about looking for a rental.

What’s more, Rently constantly monitors activity logs to make sure your properties are secure. Detailed reports are available to property managers so owners can feel confident in the process.

You’re Mitigating Property Damage

With over 4 million check-ins nationwide (and growing), Rently makes self tour homes for rent safe and we’ve never had a serious case of a renter using Rently to cause damage to a property. We won’t lie, property management is often about mitigating risk, and while the best way to mitigate exposure to risk is to get a renter in the property with a signed lease, that’s not always possible.

We use the same precautions as the car rental or hotel industries —taking a valid credit card and verifying their SmartPhone so that the renter is on the hook for any damage done during a self-service showing®. The system polices itself; your renters are looking to keep their credit intact, which means they’re more likely to be responsible.

In the unlikely event that there is an incident of any kind, you are able to report it directly to your Rently Client Success Manager for resolution. We have your back!

You Don’t Need to Meet (or Drive Around) Strangers

Self-service showings are quickly growing in popularity across the country, and it’s not just because they fulfill the potential tenant’s need for instant gratification. Property managers love the added security and safety that comes from not having to meet strangers at vacant properties or drive them around on a tour of properties.

The National Association of Realtors® suggests that you should always meet new clients at your office so colleagues know who you’re meeting with. They also suggest that you take a copy of the person’s driver’s license for added precaution prior to putting them in your car for a tour. These are great steps to take, but they do not mitigate the risk quite like a self-service showing®.

You’ve Got Eyes on Who’s In and Out

When you use Rently’s real estate showing service, you also have the added security of knowing who goes in to the property, and when. Rently will send you a real-time email alert with the name and number of the prospective renter as they check-in to see your property. Additionally, you can always log back in to the Rently management portal to view detailed activity logs for each property you have listed with Rently.

Get to Know the Premier Real Estate Showing Service

With all this technology available to property managers, why risk your safety? Learn more about Rently’s real estate showing service by browsing our website and blog, and don’t hesitate to connect with a member of our team today! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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