Published Jul 26, 2023

IMN SFR Property Management, Ops, and Tech Forum

Single Family Property Management

Date: August 24-25

Location: Austin, TX


MN’s 5th Annual Single Family Rental Property Management, Operations, and Tech Forum is back to bring you a day and a half full of exclusive educational content and industry insights on August 24-25 in Austin, TX.

Bringing together property and asset managers, owners, equity investors, and service providers including a variety of sponsors and exhibitors discussing everything you need to know about the latest in residential property management.


Join Andrew Kastenbaum on Aug 24th at 3:45-4:30pm as he shares the Keys to Company Growth In A Maturing Industry: Growing Your Portfolio in Your Own Geographic Area vs. Opening New Markets vs. Expanding The Services You Are Providing.

Rently Attendees:

Are you attending? Schedule a time to meet with the Rently team members!

  1. Morgan Johnson
  2. Andrew Kastenbaum
  3. Yee Vang

Schedule a meeting with us!

Event Site:

Visit IMN Single Family Rental Property Management, Operations, and Tech Forum for more information.

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