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  • Search through thousands of homes and apartments.
  • Choose the ones you want to visit.
  • Tour on your own. No coordinating schedules.
man explores rentlys self guided tour wayfinding technology

animated man wearing glasses is looking at his mobile device
How It Works

Rently self-guided tours allow you to tour homes and apartments on your own without being accompanied by a leasing agent

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Become a Verified Renter

More than 50% of renters apply to multiple properties before approval. Rently’s Verified Renters get instantly matched with the right listing.

Rently’s Verified Renters enjoy:

  • Unlimited Self-Guided Tours – View as many homes as needed for 30 days
  • Less Searching – Save time to find a home with our personalized, curated listings
  • Save Money – Save $40-$100 by applying to properties that match your renter profile
Powering organizations such as
Trusted by Millions of Renters Each Year


"I really like this app. It’s super easy to manage and with mine and my roommate schedule, this app allows us to house shopping at OUR convenience! No one even needs to be there to let us in because with a short phone call, we can let ourselves in! We love it, and as soon as we find our perfect home we’ll come back and let you know. But for now - this app is totally worth it!!"

young woman smiles as he takes a headshot photo
Ajah N

"I’m impressed by your system. I have no problem getting inside the property and had our viewing."

young man smiles as he takes a headshot photo
Teodoro E

"Works as described so far. Easy to use and lets you give feedback. Makes it easier IMHO to see a place at your leisure especially if you have odd work hours."

man smiles as he takes a headshot photo
David M

"Love this app... wish more properties used this. it's nice to not be bothered with agents and feel rushed to look at apartments. also being able to look at an apartment on your own time is really nice as well."

man with glasses smiling
Joshua T

"I love this app! I love that it allows us to view multiple homes in one day rather than having to schedule with a bunch of different agents and meet them on different days. It also allows us to go after business hours so my wife doesn’t miss work..."

man stands with his arms crossed
Floyd M