Tag: smart home technology

  • Rently’s Self-Service Help Center

    Questions. We all have them. Why is the sky blue? What is the meaning of life? How can I upgrade my rental property tours with wayfinding navigation? Whew. Those are some important topics! Since Chat..

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  • Streamlining Smart Home Deployments with Rently’s Installer Workflow

    We’ve all experienced the excitement that comes with purchasing the latest and greatest high-tech device. You did your research. You purchased the best product. The potential improvement to your daily life is palpable. Then comes..

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  • Benefits of Showcasing “Smart Home” Model Units

    Are there benefits to showcasing “smart home” model units? The answer is YES! People love previews. Consumers like to taste food samples at Costco and take test drives before purchasing vehicles. The better the preview,..

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  • Deploying Smart Home Technology in Four Easy Steps

    Deploying smart home technology across a real estate portfolio can seem like an overwhelming undertaking. Luckily, Rently is here to help you through it. In previous blogs, we addressed the growing popularity of smart home..

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  • Best Properties for Smart Home Technology

    Smart home technology is quickly becoming a standard amenity in rental properties nationwide. More and more renters want to lease units with smart devices, such as smart locks and smart thermostats. According to a recent..

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    Smart home technology transforms property management by eliminating on-site management of many leasing tasks, and makes remote property management possible.  By accomplishing key leasing activities remotely, managers streamline their workflow, reduce operational costs, and better..

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    As demand for self-touring of rental properties continues to grow, the ease with which prospects are able to access your property matters.  Choosing the right self-touring technology can help you create a successful property showing..

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  • Ready For The Future of Smart Home?

    The Future Of Smart Home Starts Now While CES 2019 explored several themes - transportation, digital health, AR and VR experiences, and many more - one of the most prominent was that of the Smart..

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